How Should You Protect Your Skin While Using Screens? Beautiful DIY Facial Spray Recipe

I have been spending a lot of time on the computer over the past few months setting up this site and then working hard to populate it with content. I actually took around two weeks off recently while holidaying with my kids and I also did a bit of a tech break in the process and I noticed that my skin looked amazing after! I think computer use and spending long hours sitting at the computer or looking at our phones can really dry out our skin. One way around this is to periodically throughout the day mist your face with a nourishing oil spray to help protect your skin from drying out and to bring moisture back into your skin! I hope you enjoy this recipe! -B xx

We have become a culture that spends large amounts of time in front of screens. Screen use has increased throughout all areas of our lives. From how we interact and socialise, how we entertain ourselves and have downtime, how we learn and develop ourselves, and particularly in how we work and even in how we exercise! Without a doubt spending large amounts of time on devices and in front of screens is going to have an impact on our skin health, wellbeing and natural circadian rhythms.

Some things to be aware of when using screens:

HEV (High Energy Visible) LIGHT:
HEV light has links to skin damage and premature ageing (1). Use an antioxidant rich serum to help protect your skin while using laptops and devices. The skincare company MAKE has developed a special natural primer that works to protect your skin from HEV light during the day. Also if you spend large amounts of time on the computer during the day make sure you load up on antioxidant-rich serums at night to help your skin repair itself while you are asleep.

The good news is that newer laptops circa 2010 onwards emit very little UV radiation particularly laptops with LCD or LED screens (2). Older ‘box’ desktop computers DO so take note if you still have one of those lurking around! Always wear a mineral sunscreen even when inside to help protect your skin from any UV screen damage.

Bluelight can potentially damage skin and increase premature ageing (3). Laptops with LCD and LED screens emit blue light. You can now download blue light blocking apps for your laptop and your phone! I actually have one on my phone permanently as I was finding that my phone was giving me headaches. Bluelight also has links with sleep disruption. Consider also investing in a pair of blue light blocking glasses for large amounts of laptop use.

EMF (Electromagnetic Radiation):

All screens emit EMF radiation along with wireless devices. Regularly take screen breaks and spend some time outside with your bare feet on the ground to help rebalance your body. Get a great plant for your home office/workspace that helps to absorb any EMF radiation. Cactus is a good one!


1. Don’t use your phone or devices in bright sunlight as the sunlight reflecting off the screen can be damaging to your skin.
2. Regularly relax your face and look away from the computer. Plus take breaks where you get up and walk around!
3. Regularly drink plenty of water to keep your skin nice and hydrated from within.
4. Spray your skin with a nourishing spray to help reset your makeup/skincare and to help protect your skin from damage from dust, screen light, and radiation.


Here is a great recipe to make your own NOURISHING DIY COMPUTER FACIAL SPRAY!


Glass Spritz Bottle (if you have one that you can reuse from an old product that is perfect! Otherwise, you can purchase them quite cheaply. Try and save any glass containers/bottles from used up products to make your own new products)

1/2 cup Coconut Water
1/2 cup Aloe Vera Juice
1 Vitamin E Capsule/ 1 tsp Vitamin E Oil
1 tbsp Sweet Almond Oil


1. Sterilise the glass bottle first by pouring boiling hot water over it – be careful! ?
2. Combine all ingredients together in a bowl. If you are using a vitamin E capsule pierce it into the facial solution then stir.
3. Carefully pour mixture into the glass bottle. Store this in the refrigerator and use it up within one week!

Remember: If you have sensitive skin always patch test first on a non-facial area (like your wrist). Just because an ingredient is natural does not mean that you won’t react to it. Everyone has different skin!



Coconut Water:
Coconut water is very hydrating and is naturally anti-fungal and antibacterial. Coconut water also contains cytokinins – which helps to regenerate skin cells and boost new skin cell growth! It is also fantastic at hydrating very dry and tired skin.

Aloe Vera Juice:
Aloe gel contains two hormones that help to promote skin healing and are highly anti-inflammatory! Called Auxin and Gibberellins. Aloe is also very soothing for tired skin and highly effective at naturally treating any negative skin conditions. Aloe juice also contains antioxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin C and E which help keep skin hydrated and firm.

Vitamin E:
Vitamin E has mild preservative properties and can help to keep your DIY facial spray fresh. It also has excellent properties in restoring and repairing skin due to its high levels of antioxidants.

Sweet Almond Oil:

Sweet almond oil contains vitamin E and essential fatty acids and also helps to protect our skin against UV damage! It also works to keep your skin smooth and soft and can help to reduce those pesky dark circles.

If you try this out please let me know how you get on with it in the comments ♥


1 – Laptop Use and HEV Light from Byrdie
2 – Computer Screens and Skin Issues from Marie Claire
3 – Blue Light and Aging Skin from You Beauty

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