4 Ways That Turmeric Aids Your Body! Highly Anti-Inflammatory And Great For Your Skin!

Health Disclaimer: This article is for prevention purposes only. If you have a serious health condition please consult your trusted health professional. Why don’t we hear more about turmeric? It’s a cheap spice that lives in your cupboard – there’s simply no money in it! -B xx

Turmeric has been used as a staple in Indian cooking for centuries and India has some of the lowest rates of lung, prostate and colon cancer in the world! (US rates are up to 13 times higher!) (1). This could be in part due to a plant-based diet mixed with plenty of turmeric. What is it about turmeric that makes it such a high powered super food for our bodies?

Tumeric comes from a plant called Curcuma Longa which mainly grows in India and southwest Asia. The dried roots of the plant are then ground into the yellow powder known as turmeric. Turmeric contains chemical compounds called curcuminoids. It is the curcumin found in turmeric that is highly antioxidant rich and inflammation-fighting! Because it has such a powerful antioxidant effect on our bodies it can be useful in preventing and treating many diseases of ageing and also helps to promote longevity! There is a whole host of studies now that show how turmeric consumption can aid in reducing inflammation. You definitely need to add turmeric in to your positive ageing plan!

Why is Inflammation such an issue?

As we age our immune function lessons and we can start to succumb to many of the diseases of ageing. Normal ageing along with constant environmental stressors can cause oxidative stress to our cells which can lead to our body being in a chronically inflamed state. Inflammation is not bad in itself! It is a normal, natural body response to cellular damage or a perceived threat. When you sustain an injury inflammation is what brings nutrition and disease-fighting cells to the damaged area of your body.

The problem that we are facing these days is that many peoples bodies are in a constant state of chronic inflammation.

Chronic long-term inflammation is a leading factor in many diseases including inflammatory bowel diseases, eczema and skin diseases, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s and brain disorders, along with heart disease and cancer. Many of the conventional ways of treating these disorders result in pharmaceutical drugs that can have toxic effects on our bodies and can even result in death (1).

Chronic inflammation can be due to over toxicity of the body coupled with a lack of nutrition due to consuming a diet that is low in antioxidants. Where do we find antioxidants? They are abundant in plant-based foods (with 64 times the amount of antioxidant power than animal-based products!). It makes sense then for the ultimate protection of our cells as we age to consume a diet high in plant-based foods.

The curcumin compound found in turmeric is one of the highest anti-inflammatory foods found in the world. Consuming more turmeric can also have dramatic effects in boosting our immune system and improving the health of our blood. Tumeric also has the potential to help prevent and repair DNA damage to cells! In order to help prevent and heal the chronic inflammation associated with all of the diseases of ageing eating more turmeric is the way to go!

Sprinkle turmeric into your stir-fries or whip up a curry. You can also sprinkle turmeric onto oven baked veggies. Make a salad dressing that contains turmeric or add a teaspoon to each smoothie. You can even brew some ‘golden milk’ at the end of a long day to supercharge your immune system! Failing that you can simply add a teaspoon to a glass of water each day.

To help your body absorb turmeric into your bloodstream faster you can easily add some black pepper or a fat like olive oil or coconut oil. Which is easily done if you are adding it to a stir fry! You can also buy special supplements that are much higher in curcuminoids than the amount that turmeric contains.

Other ways turmeric helps our bodies:

Good for your gut: Turmeric can help to heal any gut problems and also work to promote the growth of good bacteria! (2)

Boosts Brain Power: Turmeric has shown to improve memory function and it also has links with helping to naturally treat depression (2). It also can be beneficial in helping to prevent and reverse Alzheimer’s (3). Turmeric has also shown to be useful in treating Parkinson’s and dealing with the effects of a stroke (3).

Heart healthy: Turmeric being a powerful antioxidant can help to halt and reverse the process of cardiovascular disease! It does this through helping to repair the oxidative stress damaging the arteries of the heart. (2)

Cancer-fighting: Chronic inflammation and damage to cells also increase the risk of cancer as we age. Turmeric has many anti-carcinogenic properties. So turmeric can also help to naturally fight those pesky cancer cells! (2)

How does turmeric aid in skin health?

Because acne and skin disorders are inflammatory diseases consuming more turmeric can go a long way to help heal and prevent these conditions. Turmeric can also help to control excess oil on the surface of the skin and prevent acne. It also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which aid in fighting skin infections and healing wounds. You can also use turmeric as a natural exfoliator! Exfoliating helps to remove old, dead skin cells and keep your skin young and fresh looking. Turmeric can help you ‘get that glow’ on at any age!

Because turmeric is such a powerful antioxidant, taken daily it can help to protect your cells against free radical damage. Free radicals mostly come from the environment i.e. UV rays, X-ray use, cigarette smoke, chemicals/pesticides, air pollution, and can cause damage and oxidative stress to cells. This stress and damage can accelerate ageing. Eating a diet that is high in plant-based antioxidant-rich foods and consuming turmeric can help to protect and repair your cells as you age. Turmeric has also found to be useful in stimulating new cell growth!

Turmeric can also help to repair damaged skin from acne scars, UV damage and sunspots. It is also found to be very effective at lightening sun damaged skin (it does this through inhibiting melanogenesis and helps to stop the synthesis of melanin pigment). Many of the conventional skin lighteners are filled with toxic chemicals that are simply not safe to use on your skin. Turmeric offers a safe and healthy alternative to repair skin from UV damage.

Right, I’m off to whip up a turmeric face mask! ♥


1 – Why you should eat more turmeric from Stuff

2 – Tumeric benefits from Dr Axe

3 – Stay young with turmeric from Tumeric for Health

Top 10 evidence-based health benefits of turmeric from Healthline

Why everyone is talking about turmeric from Truth in Ageing

Interesting write up on chronic inflammation and it’s links with candida from Organic Lifestyle Magazine

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