Empowered Mindset: 6 Things To Start Doing Now!


“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any” – Alice Walker

What Is An Empowered Mindset?

There has been a lot of talk lately about developing an empowered mindset and empowering women more within the world. I watched this clip the recently by yoga teacher Krystal Aranyani and I thought that she had a pretty powerful message to share about empowerment, mindset shifts and shame.

She also discussed self-talk and whether the way that you talk to yourself comes from an empowered place or a disempowered place; where you feel like you are a victim of your individual situation.

Krystal said that we can often find ourselves trapped in negative thought processes like “Will these people like me?”, “Am I smart enough?” and “What If I fail”, when we should be asking ourselves the opposite “Will I like them”, “What do they have to offer me” and “Is this worthy of my time”. When we are empowered; we love ourselves and feel confident enough within ourselves to let any negative beliefs about ourselves go.

But how can we change our mindset into one of empowerment?

Brene Brown believes that we are all carrying around large amounts of shame due to past mistakes and this impacts how we view ourselves in the world. Shame could also be what is contributing to that victim mindset. What is shame?

“The intensely painful feeling that we are unworthy of love and belonging” – Dr Brene Brown

We need to learn to be kind to ourselves, let go of perfection, open ourselves to others and allow ourselves to be vulnerable. Brene says that the only thing to repair shame is empathy. Sharing yourself with another and feeling like you have their love and understanding so that you are not alone in this world.

You are not perfect, you make mistakes, but that is alright because we all do. But we get to make that choice as to who we share ourselves with, who we share our shame with and we make sure that it is a going to be in a safe space. We don’t have to give away our power to just anybody. We get to choose.

I love Danielle LaPorte’s blog post on calling her power back to her. The spoken word holds energy. Everything is energy. Thoughts hold space, the thoughts that we think about others hold space and the thoughts that we think about ourselves hold space. We all get to choose whether we are allowing ourselves to be in a safe space where our own power and worth is going to be expanded, magnified and will burn brighter.

“When we give energy away willingly, intentionally, with positivity, we get stronger. We become truer, purer, bigger. Power-full.

When we give our energy away unconsciously, under duress, as we are victimized, or taken advantage of, when we over-give out of a sense of deficiency or obligation, we … don’t get stronger. We constrict, we get depleted, we start to stiffen from fear” – Danielle LaPorte

We also need to make sure that we are taking control of our mindset and our thoughts. Otherwise, the world will do it for us. Whatever we choose to fill our lives with we can unconsciously become.

The Power Of The Subconscious Mind:

Because of the vast amount of information that we consume in one day, the number of decisions that we have to make and the need now to be constantly adapting and changing to new processes and technologies. It is unsurprising that we often end up feeling overwhelmed. Lucky for our brains we are largely operating on autopilot from the subconscious mind.

According to Dr Bruce Lipton, 95% of our waking hours are spent in the subconscious mind and only 5% are in the conscious mind where we are active participants in creating our future reality. That means that the vast majority of our decision making comes from the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is actually pretty primitive and is formed mostly in the first seven years of age. So the actual amount of control that we have over our decision making is actually pretty habitual and not consciously created. Our mindset is largely responsible for how we think and behave at any given moment!

6 Ways To Change Your Mindset So That It Is More Positive And Empowered!

1. Change Your Identity

How do you see yourself? You can’t change anything in your life until you see yourself as the person that you want to become. Change how you view yourself first, change at the identity level and then all of your behaviours will be sure to change following that because now the way that you view yourself within the world is completely different.

Change your identity from someone who sees themselves as a victim of their external environment to someone who has power, choice and control over their lives. Don’t view yourself as a victim. With energy comes power. Take back control of your choices and decision making. Don’t people please or say ‘yes’ when you really mean ‘no’. Get really clear on your identity, beliefs and values.

2. Daily Incantations/Affirmations

As I mentioned above our spoken word holds energy. Dr Bruce Lipton believes that after the age of seven the main way that we learn new things is repetition. By repeating something over and over again until we create a habit from it. The act of repetition gives us confidence and it becomes part of our new mindset. Speaking incantations and affirmations can be one way to create this super empowered sense of self. I love Danielle LaPorte’s incantation for reclaiming her own energy and power:

“I call my power back to me now, I am whole and complete” – Danielle LaPorte

3. Try Sleep Meditation

Our subconscious mind is more easily changed when we are in a theta brain state. That is when we are waking up or going to sleep. When you are drifting off to sleep can be a great time to try and ‘rewrite’ some of those limiting beliefs about your worth or worthiness and develop more of an empowered mindset.

Sleep meditation can be a really easy way to do this! Simply listen to empowering messages or meditations on whatever you need to work on as you are drifting off. Hopefully, it can get to work changing and rewriting limiting thoughts while you sleep (this is a great guided meditation for reclaiming power).

4. Give Yourself Permission To Live Your Best Life!

Many of us spend our lives waiting for things outside of ourselves to change before we give ourselves permission to change. We were often brought up in environments where we were not taught to take action but to ask permission and then wait. It can be hard to break through this illusion of control as an adult. Give yourself permission to change, grow, learn, and develop yourself. Your growth as a person is not fixed but constantly evolving.

5. Don’t Dwell On Failure

Failure is a fact of life. There is nothing wrong or bad about failing at something. It is how we grow and learn and continue to make better more evolved choices for ourselves. I watched this classic Oprah clip the other day. Our soul/inner guidance/intuition is always guiding us in the way that we need to go.

When we choose to listen our life gets better, brighter, and bigger because we are surrendering ourselves to the flow of energy. When you don’t listen you will keep making mistakes over and over again or your life will get harder until you finally listen and learn from your experience.

6. Give To Others

Neale Donald Walsh says that we can get confused when we think that our lives are all about ourselves. He believes that our lives should really be about giving. When we give to others we invest a piece of ourselves into others and it magnifies and enlarges our own existence. It is this investment that we make of ourselves into other peoples lives that helps to empower us and gives us our purpose for being.

“Your life is not about you. Your life is about everyone else whose life you touch and the way in which you touch it.”

What is one thing that you do to feel more empowered? Please let me know in the comments! ♡

(Photo: Ben White via. Unsplash)

*Last page update: 19/04/22*


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