Affirmations For Throat Chakra Blocks


What Are Chakras?

In Sanskrit (the classical language of India and Hinduism) the word chakra means ‘wheel’. The seven symbolic energy wheels or ‘chakras’ start at the base of your spine and then work their way up to the top of your head. The seven different chakras are said to hold influence over your health.

The wheel or circular shape within each chakra symbol represents the infinite nature of energy.

All pathways need to be open and energy running freely in order to have the most optimal connection to yourself; your needs and desires, connection to others and the universe/source.

All chakras are interconnected. It is important to rebalance and unblock each chakra for the most optimal flow of energy.

What Is The Throat Chakra Responsible For?

The throat chakra or Vishuddha (meaning especially pure) in Sanskrit is the fifth chakra. It is located in the centre of your neck at the top of your thyroid gland.

The element that represents the throat chakra is ‘Ether’ meaning space.

Space means to give ourselves the space internally within ourselves by getting quiet. And externally outside in wide open spaces enables us to connect more deeply with our most authentic selves.

What Can Happen When The Throat Chakra Is Blocked?

Here are some physical signs that the throat chakra might be blocked/imbalanced:

  • Sore throat
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Neck/shoulder pain
  • Hearing issues
  • Jaw pain/TMJ issues (temporomandibular joint in the jaw)

What Emotions Block The Throat Chakra?

Here are some signs of throat chakra imbalance/blockages felt in the emotional body:

  • Lack clear communication with your voice and body language
  • Struggle to know/find your purpose
  • Don’t know how to ask others for what you need
  • Fearful of speaking up
  • Don’t always feel a strong connection to yourself/others/universe
  • Struggle to manifest what you want into existence

Blocks happen when you consistently repress your own unique voice. When you don’t fully embrace the truth of who you are and live in alignment with your own thoughts, feelings and desires the throat chakra can become blocked.

The throat chakra is also deeply connected with the fourth chakra; the heart chakra. First the heart gives us the emotional feeling of what we need to follow in each moment then our voice gives us the opportunity to act on it. It is important that we speak our needs into existence to remain in flow and connected.

Speak up and say what needs to be said in an open and honest way. Your thoughts and feelings have power.

“The throat chakra is about the discovery of your own purity and your own unique truth” – Teal Swan

How Can We Unblock And Heal?

Sound is very healing for the throat chakra:

  • Sing
  • Read out loud (if you have small children this is great opportunity to find a beautiful book to read together!)
  • Listen to music
  • Hang a windchime outside for music in your garden or patio
  • Purchase a crystal sound bowl
  • Play an musical instrument
  • Watch something funny that you can LOL to
  • Talk therapy, obtain a therapist or coach
  • As an alternative to journaling sit in front of a mirror and speak to yourself (I got this tip from Nika Erculj)
  • Walking outside in nature and listening to any sounds that may be present, i.e. birds, waves, rain, the trees in the wind, leaves/gravel crunching underneath your feet

Active listening to the other people around us is also important. Be still, make eye contact, hold space for others deeply and listen to what is being said.

Leave space in your life for silence and stillness so that you can form a much deeper connection with your own heart.

If this is something that you really struggle with an amazing thing to do is to attend a ‘silent retreat’. Or you can easily create your own for the day and take a break from speaking and instead just listen.

Yoga is also amazing for stretching out your body, unblocking and creating more flow. Any posture that focuses on the head, neck, back and front body is amazing for the throat chakra. Here is a good video from Yoga with Adriene:

What Colour Is The Throat Chakra?

The Throat Chakra is the colour blue. Specifically an light or turquoise blue. You can help unblock this chakra by including more ‘blue’ into your life!

  • Paint your walls a soft blue (the home office is a great place to start!)
  • Wear more blue shades or turquoise
  • Imagine your breath as a blue ball of light when meditating
  • Install a ‘blue light’ somewhere in your home

Crystals in different shades of blue are also amazing to help unblock your throat chakra! Here are some ideas:

  • Lapis lazuli: A stunning crystal which can resemble the night sky. Stimulates enlightenment through personal and spiritual power. Lapis lazuli is also said to be a powerful thought amplifier and can help you to gain understanding from your dreams.
  • Blue lace agate: Is a fantastic crystal for healing; bringing tranquility, peace and calm. Also helps to dissolve any old patterns of repression and harnesses free expression of self.
  • Azurite: Enhances intuitive abilities and helps you to get in touch with yourself. Also allows for mind expansion. This stone can also help you with your meditation practice.

How Can Affirmations Help?

Speaking affirmations to yourself is a fantastic way to help unblock the throat chakra and prepare you for living authentically and speaking your truth.

Journaling is a great place to uncover any blocks to your communication with yourself and others.

Regular coaching can also be a great way to uncover any blocks in your subconscious mind. Your coach can then work with you to reframe your blocks/limiting beliefs into powerful affirmations that you can speak out loud.

Another way to use affirmations is to pop them around your house; on a whiteboard, taped to your fridge, a post-it note on your mirror, desktop background etc. There are potentially many more places!

You can also record yourself saying your affirmations and then pop it on a loop on your phone to listen to at key points during the day. Perhaps as part of your morning/evening routine would be a great place to start!


10 Affirmations To Unblock The Throat Chakra:

“I am truthful, clear and honest”

“I hold space and listen to others”

“I believe in the power of my own voice”

“I express myself freely, clearly and consciously”

“The truth frees me and empowers me”

“I communicate with others easily and effortlessly”

“Voicing my desires, enables me to then receive”

“I am genuine and authentic in all of my interactions”

“I know myself and I am connected to my purpose”

“I speak my truth in kindness”


Unblocking and healing the throat chakra gives you greater resources for communication, setting boundaries, sharing ideas, speaking your desires and ultimately existing in a state of love ♡


I became interested in this topic after I received one of those spam type fortune teller messages on Instagram! However I believe in learning from everything. Everything can potentially be a message to learn and go deeper so I definitely wanted to learn and find out more about the throat chakra xx

This is a very comprehensive video on the throat chakra from Teal Swan.

I love this singers personal account of unblocking her throat chakra to help with her voice and all of the tools that she uses.

I have almost finished my life coaching certification. If you would love some help working through limiting beliefs/blocks/potential throat chakra blocks please email me here:

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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