How Can Toxins In Plastic Affect Your Health? Tips To Create A Plastic-Free Kitchen

I am planning a whole article on xenoestrogens for our positive ageing/prevention section because after researching for this piece I realise that the impact that these toxins can have on our bodies and our whole hormonal system is so far-reaching and destructive. I don’t want to create alarm or fear in anyone! Stressing about toxins is not good for our bodies either! With awareness comes a responsibility to make choices that are better for the environment and also much better for our own health and our families health in the process. I notice that there is a flow on effect when you make a choice that is better for your health it is also often better for the environment! It is all about slowly making positive changes over time -B xx

So what are xenoestrogens? I am sure you have all heard about BPA and have been religiously buying BPA-free everything! BPA is actually a form of a xenoestrogen. All soft plastics have been treated with chemical compounds called phthalates to make them super bendy. When these plastics are heated – especially through hot food and liquid the xenoestrogens can then leach out into our food or drink. So why is this such a problem?

Our endocrine system is a delicate, complex system that controls the release of hormones. Our hormones are responsible for our growth, fertility, and metabolism. Estrogen gives us breast growth, smooth skin, and helps to regulate women’s cycles and fertility. Xenoestrogens are particularly concerning to our bodies because they disrupt our endocrine system by mimicking estrogen and attach to estrogen receptor sites in both men and women. This then creates hormonal imbalances that can have far reaching effects for our mental, physical, and emotional health.

We won’t go into those effects too much today we will instead focus on how you can start to remove them from your environment and lessen your load! The place in your home that is most likely to be your biggest source of xenoestrogens to your body is your kitchen. Let’s look at some practical solutions of what we can do in our kitchens to start to detox them of any xenoestrogens!

BPA free is better than not. But even better is to use reusable glass or stainless steel for drinking on the go! If you are buying water in plastic bottles for everyday drinking it is much better to get a filter installed on your tap to remove any toxins.

BPA free is better than not. Even better is to use reusable glass or stainless steel. A really good cost effective option is to use glass mason jars for storing food in your fridge and to take food out with you on the go! When storing leftovers in the fridge you can also use small ceramic bowls and then put a small saucer on top.

If you are beegan or not vegan you can purchase beeswax wrap products or use unbleached paper. There are also many reusable, washable snack pouches which you can now purchase online. Another option is stainless steel snack containers or stainless steel bento style lunch boxes for taking snacks out on the go or for your kid’s lunches!

Avoid this at all costs! Especially heating it in the microwave. Try and get used to taking reusable items out with you for any coffee purchases or takeaways. Take a reusable cup to work with you for coffee. Bring your own stainless or glass containers to pick up takeaways. You can take a glass mason jar to collect your smoothie. Don’t worry about being the odd one out – we need to be the change!

Look for BPA-free cans. Or even work towards buying less canned goods is better. The more we can purchase in it’s whole and unprocessed state the better for us and the environment. Beans and legumes can be bought in bulk. You can even purchase muslin bulk bin bags so that you are not increasing your plastic usage! Store items from the bulk bins in stainless/glass containers and mason jars.

Buy plant-based alternatives or make your own from natural ingredients like lemon juice, baking soda, and vinegar.

Buy organic or buy less of the dirty dozen and more of the clean fifteen! If your produce is not organic you can make a water and vinegar solution to clean them which helps to remove any pesticide residue on your fruit and vegetables.

Avoid Teflon!! Neoflam is a non-stick cookware that is supposed to be safer. Alternatively use cookware that is ceramic, cast iron, stoneware, Corningware or glass.


Buy a filtering water jug or install a filter. Our bodies are at least 60% water! A filter is such a small cost to the many potential benefits of drinking clean, uncontaminated water. Tap water can contain xenoestrogens from medication and from chemical and agricultural pollution.

Don’t heat or defrost anything with plastic wrap. Even better don’t put anything that is plastic into the microwave. An EVEN better option is to try and avoid the microwave altogether. Food can just as quickly and easily be reheated in a pot on the hob.

The plastic is continually being heated up which can cause leaching. It is much better to use a stainless steel or glass jug!

Detoxing can be done slowly here and there as you find better alternatives to what you currently are using or buying. Make your kitchen a nice space to work in. Regularly clean out your fridge and de-clutter your cupboards! Open your window every day for fresh air and consider adding a plant or two to help keep your indoor air clean!!

Watch out for our best plastic alternative kitchen picks later in the month! ♥



Brilliant Kitchen Detox PDF fact sheet from Domestic Diva  (if you eat fish it also discusses which fish have the least contamination).

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