Bethany Rachael 93 posts

Currently Browsing: Bethany Rachael

Peanut Butter Energy Ball Recipe!

This recipe is adapted from Lydia Elise Millen’s lovely assistant Carrie’s energy ball recipe. I have been meaning to try them out for ages! -B xx If you are a peanut butter addict like me you will absolutely love these peanut butter energy balls! They are really quick and easy to grab when you have […]


‘Get Up!’ Is Sitting Now The New Smoking? Book Review

“We are designed to move – people in motion are happy. Motion is the notion” – Dr James Levine I recently read the book ‘Get Up: Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It’ by Dr James A. Levine and I really found it so inspirational that I was desperate […]


Meghan Markle’s Favourite Beauty Secrets And Her Exercise Routine For Staying In Shape!

“It’s been pretty incredible to see what happens when you start believing you are enough” – Meghan Markle Hello, lovely EY MAG readers! I am planning to change up this inspo section a bit. I still plan to profile inspiring women but also find women doing amazing inspirational work in the world. When I first […]


Homemade Toner: 7 Recipes For Sensitive Skin!


The ‘New’ News on Using Homemade Toner: If you occasionally swab some toner on your face without really knowing the benefits to your skin or even how the heck you should be using it – this is the post for you! Toner used to be chemical-filled and often contained alcohol. If you were struggling with […]


Improve Your Indoor Air Quality And Remove Toxins In 10 Easy Steps!

You may be dismayed to learn that often indoor air is far more polluted than outdoor air! But how can this be? Outdoor air contains pollutants from cars and traffic, smog from fireplaces and burn-offs, and gas pollutants from outdoor gas-powered lawnmowers and tools. However, we can actually be exposed to far more pollutants when […]


Yoga Bag Essentials! 12 Eco-Friendly Options


For this month’s active accessory post we thought we would put together all of the essentials that you might need or want in your yoga bag! Finding a good yoga bag that could also double as a gym bag was not an easy task! Unfortunately, this Adidas bag is not made from organic/recycled fabric but […]


Empowered Mindset: 6 Things To Start Doing Now!


“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any” – Alice Walker What Is An Empowered Mindset? There has been a lot of talk lately about developing an empowered mindset and empowering women more within the world. I watched this clip the recently by yoga teacher Krystal Aranyani […]


List Of Xenostrogens In Your Beauty Products

Last year I posted an article about detoxing your kitchen from xenoestrogens and how we can work to minimise anything that contains xenoestrogens or phalates out of our kitchens and out of our bodies! While it’s always good to be mindful of any chemical that can enter our bodies through the food that we eat […]


Eco Friendly Yoga Mat Picks! 9 Sustainable Options

Why use a yoga mat? With yoga going pretty much mainstream there has recently been a huge influx of yoga gear, yoga mats and products to hit the market! Without buying and trying out a range of different yoga mats it can be hard to know which type of mat is going to fit your […]


What Gratitude Means: 4 Easy Ways To Get Started

“Knowing that our lives are in-comprehensively precious, fragile, and fleeting reminds us to stop in our tracks and take stock, of every moment, of what matters, how much is enough, and where wisdom would direct our attention. Yet, facing and befriending our mortality seems to be the one thing that so many of us heartily […]